
Cash Automation
Your bank tellers are the first line in your organization’s ability to deliver a high level of customer service to your customers. By implementing teller cash recyclers, you can; Streamline transactions, optimize staff resources and reduce errors Improve your customer experience, Gain staff efficiencies, Reduce operating costs and overhead, Optimize your branch for the future...
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ITM interactive teller machines
Banking technology doesn’t always need to be tethered to a branch. Many banks have rolled out a lone ITM miles from the closest branch. The advantage of adding a catalog of ITMs that exists outside of a branch footprint is it can develop an idea of ‘perceived presence’ or ‘perceived convenience’. By having ITMs in...
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four ways to digitally transform your bank with picture of a dollar bill digitized
Customers everywhere are increasingly looking for frictionless and personalized experiences all with the option of being self-service. In banking this requires a more digital mindset, shifting both technology and culture. To stay competitive, banks need to embrace new digital technologies and blend them into their physical branches. Doing so will empower their employees to focus...
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Man and woman having a conversation with a bank teller
Whether you want to admit it or not, the Covid-19 pandemic has upended delivery of financial services. There was already a trendline toward increased digital delivery at financial institutions in recent years, but the rate of adoption grew exponentially in 2020 — out of necessity. Face-to-face access inside of banks simply wasn’t an option for...
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The world of retail is filled with many moving pieces. Proper management of cash and banknotes is an intrinsic part of both customer interactions and back-end operations. Unfortunately, for busy retailers many parts of cash management tends to end up on the sidelines as they worry about other tasks. Failure to have an effective cash...
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“By integrating more ITMs and ATMs into branches, financial institutions can have fewer people working in a branch and, those that are, can help customers get accustomed to the newer systems….banks and credit unions should be thinking about how many of these machines they would want per branch, not if.” A great article about what...
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Even as digital banking gains ground, many customers still prefer human, face-to-face interaction for complex products such as mortgages and investments. And while 60 percent of banking customers use digital channels, online banking only generates 25 percent of sales, according to research by McKinsey & Company. Make no mistake: Branches remain relevant. But as with any...
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Approximately 80 percent of American households actively save loose change and look to their financial institution to count this saved coin, according to research by Savvy FIs are catching on to this trend and many now offer coin-counting machines in the lobby. Here’s why: It matters to the customer Sixty-four percent of people who save...
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Few dispute that the traditional branch format no longer fits most consumers’ banking habits, but therein lies an expensive dilemma: What to do with the 100,000-plus branches still in operation in the U.S. Some institutions have tried new approaches, but with unknown results. One existing option (if it were better executed) could provide the way...
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As the banking industry faces tighter margins and increasing competition for customers, many financial executives find themselves looking to cost reductions and department downsizing to better their bottom lines. Yet, those who take a balanced approach and identify the right operational efficiency initiatives may find that what’s good for profit margins may also improve the...
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